Donate and get a patch on my bag!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Concerning Tents

This may come to a surprise to some of you. As I am a very avid backpacker there is one thing that I do not have. That is a light weight tent. However I have never had the need for a tent. I have always made due with a tarp making my own shelters when needed. This conclusion is what I have come to, with help of course of a loving family.

The tent I want (the MSR noted in my earlier post)would cost me about $500. So the decision is now made that instead of using that money on a tent I will use that money for hostel when needed. Keep in mind that though $500 is a lot that will only account for about 26 days of staying in a hostel. What you may ask will I do the rest of the time. I answer with this, I will make my own light weight tent costing no more than $60 and have a strong will that I will be staying with people and sleeping on couches. The times that will come up where I will not have a place to say I will sleep under the stars and if need be I will set up my tent that was crafted by my own hands (and the hands of others I highly assume).

A tent made by me will be traveling Europe with me. Crazy? Maybe, but hey, why be normal?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Which Tent?

So I am deciding between two light wight tents. One is called the Big Anges Fly Creek UL2 made by Big Anges and the other is called The Carbon Reflex made by MSR. I like the MSR one because it is lighter and I am kind of bias toward MSR because they are awesome but the Big Anges is cheaper but weighs more. So check them out at the following URLs and let me know what you think.

for the Big Anges Fly Creek go to

and for the MSR Carbon Reflect go to \

Monday, March 1, 2010


Ok, so anyone can donate whatever they want, however anyone that gives $20 or more will get a patch that I will sew onto my bag. This patch will have your name or whatever else you want it to say. Hey its only $20, for a sweet awesome patch!

Think about it!